fight against terror

美 [faɪt əˈɡenst ˈterər]英 [faɪt əˈɡenst ˈterə(r)]
  • 反恐斗争
fight against terrorfight against terror
  1. The president says America is at a crossroads in the fight against terror .


  2. The Senate bill would force the new department to fight against terror threats with one hand tied behind its back .


  3. The field of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and will continue to have many applications in the fight against terror .


  4. Despite progress , the president said the fight against terror is far from over and will test his successors .


  5. Ruby 's record-breaking success during her five-year career is a huge boost to Britain 's crackdown on money smuggling in the fight against terror .


  6. Many nations represented here have joined in the fight against global terror , and the people of the United States are grateful .


  7. The fight against violence , terror and crime ;


  8. All Pacific nations must also keep up the fight against the forces of terror that threaten the success of our economies and the stability of the world .
